Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day Eve.

Strangely enough, the time when i know i should have something to write about... nothing comes to mind. 
i could indeed write about Christmas day, because it is, after all, Christmas. i could write about what i did today. like how i baked shortbread late last night because i felt like it. or how i made rocky road and almond sweets because i was home alone most of the time. i could write about how i absolutely had to check my phone every eighteen minutes today because i was hoping that certain people would have wanted to contact me. or how i kept conjuring up images of myself as a wife serving my special mulled wine to guests at the annual christmas gathering...and then saying to myself "too far, too far.".  i could write about the people i thought about, like what they were doing, how they were feeling, then realising that i could answer that latter thought. they were feeling merry. i could write about the things i wish i could be doing, or, the people i could be seeing. or the movies i wanted to see. or how i kept looking longingly at the moonlight cinema guide, dreaming of nestling up to someone while watching something under a clear sky. i could write about how i was imagining New Year's to be like...again. i could write about how i kept reminding myself that good things take time in the end. that life can be can be. i just need to keep faith.
i could write about how family seems to diminish nowadays. or i could write about how i kept wanting to climb onto the roof as usual and just watch the sun go down. i could write about how there was mistletoe at the front door, but then i took it down because there really was no actual point in having it there. i could write about the movie i plan to watch on telly, Ever After, and wish how life were a movie. i could even write about how i was tempted to go for a walk to the bridge and count the cars going under like i have countless times, lost in thought...

and then i realise... i've written my first entry whilst not actually writing anything at all. just a string of word vomit.

oh my god.
just imagine how the rest of this blog will be like :|

i need mi goreng.  stat.


  1. well i cant wait to read more dot =)
    you have such a way with words.....
    oh and tutus are those puffy things ballerinas wear! come on, theyre awesome! =D
    love ya xoxo

  2. I did a word vomit thing, like, a million posts ago... ITs freakin' weird, and made total sense when i wrote it, but when i re-read it, it made none...

    As for this, it was awesome, and i can totally relate...

    The counting cars on the bridge thing, i do above a freeway, near koonung.. Like, all the time.. It uber relaxes me, and helps me think through things...

    I've only ever been to the moonlight cinema once, it was totally awesome, and i am now going to organise to go again with a huge group. Details (when it happens) will of course, be in my blog, and facebook.

    Mi Goreng. So good. I lived on that stuff at my frist house with Matt... lived on it. $8 a box for 30... So good.

    Keep up the awesome writing, Loved it!
    love love
    -C. Murray
