Sunday, November 28, 2010


In the middle of it, you don't have much choice. In the middle of it all, you have two pages that stare you down.

Should you forget, supress it all. To understand and respect  that they have no intentions for you, and have no love left. To let them go entirely, completely to the world, so that they find others. So they can forget it all. So that they don't need to worry about you, or think of you. So that they find some peace within themselves, or through another. So they can live, and breathe. So they don't need to see you. So they can be happy. Without you. Because it's better for them.

Or should you hold on, and wait. Because the belief held that things will be ok is so strong, and that some  loyalty and love should still live on in the world. Because it doesn't matter what baggage they carry with them, you'll still see it through. Because you believe in them. Because nothing is perfect, and that's ok. Because you just want to be with them, they mean that much. Because no matter how much time passes, you know you can't forget them. Stab.

You just want them to be happy.

 But there is no space for selfishness anymore. Selfishness breeds loathing. So you slip quietly out of their life, possibly forever. A little bit more wastes away within. No other person will enter.
A smile is always worn. No one needs to know the truth.
No decision is made.

In the middle of everything, nothing seems beautiful anymore.

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